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"Magnetic Resonance and Magnetic Phenomena in Chemical and Biological Physics".


September 7-11, 2014

Novosibirsk (Akademgorodok), Russia.




Abstracts and Posters



Book of Abstracts containing abstracts of all lectures and posters will be distributed to all participants upon registration at the Conference desk. All participants are invited to present Oral Communications or Posters at the Conference on their recent research.


Abstracts should be sent by e-mail in .RTF or .DOC format to the Conference Secretary by July 31, 2014. PLEASE, indicate your preference for oral or poster presentation in the e-mail

The Abstract (no longer than 1 page) should be prepared in English in the Microsoft Word format and may include any graphics, pictures, formulas, schemes, etc. The A4 (21.0 x 29.7cm) page size with 3 cm margins should be used. The Abstract should start with the title, author(s)' name(s), address and E-mail followed by the main body of the Abstract. The title should be centered and in bold 16pt Times Roman with initial capital letters. The name(s) of the author(s) (including the first name, middle initial(s) and family name) should be centered and in normal 12pt Times Roman, with the name of the presenting author underlined. The author's full address (italics, 10pt Times Roman) should be centered; E-mail The body text of the Abstracts should be in normal 12pt Times Roman (1.2-1.5 line spacing). All figures should be located within the text at the appropriate positions. Microsoft Word template for the preparation of the Abstract is available for download. If you encounter problems with this .dot file, you may also use this .rtf file.


The Poster should be prepared in English. The maximum poster size is 130 cm in width x 110 cm in length. A0 landscape format is preferred.

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