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"Magnetic Resonance and Magnetic Phenomena in Chemical and Biological Physics".


September 7-11, 2014

Novosibirsk (Akademgorodok), Russia.







M. K. Bowman "Hyperfine Measurement by Pulsed EPR"

U. E. Steiner "Spin‐Orbit-Coupling Based Spin Chemistry "

S. A. Dzuba "Pulsed EPR of Spin-Labeled Biological Systems "

K. M. Salikhov "Theory of the Pulse Electron Double Resonance Spectroscopy"

P. M. Tolstoy "Cooperativity of Functional Hydrogen Bonds in Active Sites of Enzymes: NMR Study of Model Systems"

M. Yulikov "Studies of structure and conformational changes of biomacromolecules and their complexes: pulse EPR techniques based on static and stochastic electron-electron dipolar interaction"

J. Behrends "EPR in Solar Cell Research"

G. Kothe "Nuclear Hyperpolarization and Spin Entanglement in Photoexited Triplet States"

A. V. Yurkovskaya "Time-Resolved and Field Dependent  CIDNP"

T. V. Leshina "The study of practically important processes by methods of Spin Chemistry"

N. E. Polyakov "Application of NMR in Medical Research"

A. F. Vanin "EPR analysis of biologically active dinitrosyl iron complexes (DNIC) with thiolate ligands"

R. Kaptein "Protein-DNA recognition: How do proteins find their target?"

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