School for young scientists.
"Magnetic Resonance and Magnetic Phenomena in Chemical and Biological Physics".
September 7-11, 2014
Novosibirsk (Akademgorodok), Russia.
Accommodation sites are "Gold Valley" hotel and dormitory of Novosibirsk State University.
The hotel complex "Gold Valley" ("Zolotaya Dolina") is located close to the conference venue and provides for the comfortable 1- and 2-bed rooms. The accommodation rates per night per person are listed below.Breakfasts are not included.
The payment should be done directly in the hotel. The accommodation rates for the School participants are reduced compared to the regular prices of "Gold Valley" because the School is supported by the Presidium of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences. Further information about "Gold Valley" hotel:
Suite (double) RUB 1800 RUB 1800
Semisuite (single) RUB 2600 RUB 2600
Single room RUB 650 RUB 1500-2100
Double room RUB 550 RUB 1300
Rates for employees
of Russian Academy
of Sciences
Rates for other
The accommodation rates for dormitory of Novosibirsk State University are 650 roubles (new building) or 250 roubles (old building). For reservation, please fill the following Accommodation Form as RTF, DOC or PDF and send it to School Secretary by August 1, 2014.
For a meal one should plan about 1000 rubles per day (300 rub at once at most café and restaurants around).
We plan to pick foreign participants up from airport, so internal expenditure on transport is not required.
Social events (welcome party, banquet, excursion and other) will be for free.
There is no participation fee in the School.