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"Magnetic Resonance and Magnetic Phenomena in Chemical and Biological Physics".


September 7-11, 2014

Novosibirsk (Akademgorodok), Russia.





Practical work on pulse EPR and NMR spectrometers



The aim of the tutorials is to demonstrate “how does it work”.


Solid state NMR tutorial will be held in Boreskov Institute of Catalysis SB RAS.


Its program includes:


1. Tuning the spectrometer

2. One-dimensional 1H solid state NMR experiment

3. One-dimensional 1H magic angle spinning NMR experiment, measuring spin relaxation times

4. Two-dimensional 1H NOESY experiment

5. 13C-1H cross-polarization experiment

6. One-dimensional magic angle spinning NMR experiments on quadrupole nuclei


Pulse EPR tutorial will be held in Voevodsky Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion SB RAS.


Its program includes:


1. Tuning the spectrometer

2. Echo-detected EPR spectrum measurement

3. T1 and T2 measurements

4.  1H and 2H Electron Spin Echo Envelope Modulation (ESEEM) measurement

5. Pulse Double Electron-Electron Resonance (PELDOR) distance measurement in nitroxide biradical

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